When you visit an in-person store, you’re always able to talk to the sales representative, should you need any assistance. They can help you make an informed decision about your purchase. As we know, with online stores, you cannot do that. The customer service for e-commerce companies is entirely different.
Sometimes businesses offer real-time support through live chats, but they rarely live up to the in-person experience. However, the need for excellent customer support is still just as critical.
In today’s post, we will be looking at the importance of customer service for e-commerce companies and how you can provide excellent customer service over the web!
Interesting facts about customer service for e-commerce companies
If you aren’t already convinced by the importance of customer service for eCommerce stores, here are a few interesting facts that could change your mind:
- According to Forbes, 83% of online shoppers need assistance to complete an order.
- Based on a survey commissioned by RightNow, 89% of online shoppers stopped buying things online due to poor customer support.
- Attracting a new customer costs seven times more than retaining existing ones.
Why good customer service for e-commerce companies is essential
Without good customer support, your business sales will drop. Just as you would in a brick-and-mortar store, customers always need some support. Providing it is a great way to enhance your customers’ experience.
Here are some reasons you may need to offer adequate customer service for eCommerce stores:
- A customer wants to enquire about a product
- A client may wish to cancel their order
- A customer is not satisfied with their order
- A patron may have a question about delivery
- A customer may want to give feedback
How to offer good customer service
There are a few ways you can offer good customer service and enhance your customer’s journey.
Firstly, you can look to offer on-page support. This covers everything from chat support to FAQs. As a result, your customer does not have to leave your website to contact you. This reduces your bounce rate and puts less pressure on your customer support agents.
You can also look to adopt off-page support. Unlike on-page support, this includes supporting your customers through phone calls, emails, and face-to-face conversations. Although this can be more time-consuming and costly than on-page support, the main benefit here is the touch of personalization. Customers feel that they are speaking directly to the company and positive outcomes are much more likely.
Customer support is not optional. Neglecting customer service for e-commerce businesses can have detrimental effects on your business.
Whether you’re a B2B or B2C company, customer support is essential to establishing brand awareness and customer loyalty and should always be a priority.
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